“92% reported they felt good about who they are and what they have to offer to others.”
The Real World Impact of AOC on our Students
The power of our curriculum is derived from our focus on our core concepts, which when mastered, have proven their ability to help students from all backgrounds overcome life’s challenges and achieve their goals. In a study involving thousands of students, researchers found that;
83% of the students reported they had better relationships and ways of communicating with parents or guardians after the AOC Program
92% reported they felt good about who they are and what they have to offer to others
87% reported they were better at choosing friends they can trust who encourage them to make positive choices.
Respondents for these studies reported they had a better understanding of what a positive support relationship is and why relationships are important. They also reported stronger self-esteem and self-belief in their potential and their ability to forgive themselves and others as part of their own journey forward. The efficacy of AOC as a character building program has been objectively proven through the participation and success of thousands of students, and AOC looks forward to continue serving young people and the communities they live in.